Bio-based, recyclable, reshapable & repairable (3R)
fibre reinforced thermoset composites

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The axis

The methodology

Development of bio-based fibres with improved properties.


Development of bio-based fibres with improved properties

The mechanical properties will be compared to the ones obtained with commercially available reinforcement fibres.


Development of bio-based composite

Novel sustainable and biobased epoxy resins were prepared from BPA-free and non-toxic precursors that could be extracted from renewable resources. This is the basis of the thermoset composite.


Composite manufacturing process

Manufacturing process requirements will be adjusted for pultrusion, wet compression moulding and/or RTM.


Reprocessing, repairing & recycling

Reprocessing, repairing and recyclability of produced demonstrators will be validated via mechanical and chemical strategies.


Technical, economic and environmental assessment

Demo parts will be fabricated for automotive and construction sector: a rear seat back panel and a window profile.

The partnership

A consortium of 13 partners from 8 different European countries has been formed to meet the marked objectives. 6 partners are SMEs, 6 partners are research institutions, and there is also 1 academia from different sectors necessary to complete the value chain of the project.

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  • Episode 3: Resins, reinforced fibres and profiles in pultrusion process

Video Final Conference

December 15th, 2020|Comments Off on Video Final Conference

On November the 30th of 2020, ECOXY project held its Online (Live) Final conference During the event the attendants had the opportunity to learn from the different partners on how the ECOXY project has been [...]

  • Ecoxy product

The Epoxy project concludes by proving the competitive advantages of thermoset and sustainable materials for industry

November 30th, 2020|Comments Off on The Epoxy project concludes by proving the competitive advantages of thermoset and sustainable materials for industry

In the aftermath of more than three years of international research, the ECOXY project and comes to an end. The European project, involving twelve partners from eight different countries, has achieved its goal by finishing [...]

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